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Tutti i contenuti di MASS1M0

  1. Il progetto si ispira alla cantera del Barcelona o all'accademy dell'Ajax, l'unica pecca che ancora tarda ad arrivare e' una cultura identitaria, dove sin da tutte le giovanili si gioca un calcio di possesso palla e tutte le squadre applicano lo stesso modulo. Da noi invece si e' ancora purtroppo in un medioevo dove vige il 352 del halma halma e spazzala. Molto bene i talenti, ma bisogna crescere ancora molto sopratutto nel metterli nella condizione di rendere al meglio e non adattarli.
  2. MVP di ottobre: Bremer Gol più bello: Cambiaso Miglior partita: Juventus - Verona 1-0
  3. MASS1M0

    [Highlights] Juventus - Verona: 1 - 0 (2023/2024)

    Grazie millle Paolo ! Bello lo swith al 70*
  4. Bravissimo! edit bravissimo lui per le prestazioni e bravissimo tu e tutti noi ad ammetterlo che a volte siamo stati fin troppo puntigliosi con lui
  5. Szczesny 7 Gatti 6,5 Bremer 7 Rugani 6 Weah 6 McKennie 6 Locatelli 7 Rabiot 6,5 Kostic 6 Milik 6 Kean 6,5 Vlahovic 6 Cambiaso 6,5 Chiesa 6 Huijsen 6+ Miretti sv All. Allegri 6 Il migliore Szczesny (quella parata!)
  6. Servono due centrocampisti questo e' chiaro. Li prenderanno ? Per me dipende tutto da dove ci troveremo tra due mesi.
  7. Stiamo arrivando al punto che non mi fa' piu' ne caldo ne freddo.
  8. Che felicita' !!! Ancora di piu' perche' proprio domenica ho incontrato Del Piero in giro per Madrid !!!
  9. December 1 2014 - Cellino disqualified by Football League for three months after Italian court confirms tax evasion had been dishonest act. March 5 2015 - Cellino ban extended from March until end of 2014/15 season. December 1 2014 - Cellino disqualified by Football League for three months after Italian court confirms tax evasion had been dishonest act. March 5 2015 - Cellino ban extended from March until end of 2014/15 season. May 8 2015 - Cellino returns to office at Elland Road. October 19 2015 - Football League announce Cellino disqualified following another tax conviction in Italy. He appeals again. On same day Rosler is sacked after 12 games and Steve Evans appointed. October 30 2015 - Cellino announces he will sell club to fans' group Leeds Fans United. November 4 2015 - Former Cagliari owner changes his mind over the sale, accusing Leeds Fans United of telling ''fairytales''. December 5 2015 - Leeds fans protest at 'pie tax' during home game against Hull after introduction of a mandatory £5 increase on South Stand ticket prices in return for food and drink vouchers. December 29 2015 - Cellino relents at last minute to avoid Football League action after banning Sky Sports production crew from entering Elland Road to broadcast game against Derby. February 10 2016 - Cellino insists he was joking after telling an Italian newspaper 'pie tax' introduced as punishment to fans who criticised him. February 14 2016 - Leeds deny taking legal action against Football League in bid to dismantle collective selling of television rights and instead sell their own games. February 29 2016 - Cellino instructs Evans not to speak to media after 4-0 defeat at Brighton. Later accuses head coach of ''talking too much''. March 4 2016 - Cellino's sons and club directors Ercole and Edoardo involved in abusive social media exchanges with club fans. Edoardo later apologises after calling one a ''spastic''. April 6 2016 - Football Association charges Edoardo for abusive and insulting comments and an ''aggravated breach'' as they included reference to disability. Leeds refuse to comment and are branded ''disgusting'' and an ''embarrassment'' by fans' group 'Time To Go Massimo'. December 7 2016 - As reports emerge that Cellino is to be banned by the FA for breaching its agent regulations over the sale of Ross McCormack, the Italian releases a statement saying he intends to appeal. December 8 2016 - The FA confirms it has banned Cellino for 18 months, effective of February 1, 2017, and fined both him and Leeds £250,000. January 4 2017 - The club announced the completion of an investment by Aser Group Holding that left Cellino with a 50 per cent share of the club.
  10. Lasciamo Soule in pace e che dimostri di valere la Juve durante tutta la stagione. E' vero i giocatori vanno fatti giocare nel loro ruolo per dare il meglio. Allegri per me gioca controvoglia con la difesa a 3, ma e' l'unico modo per far coesistere i nostri difensori.

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