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Tutti i contenuti di DRUGHISVEZIA

  1. Ciao ragazzi, Yesterday I got my package (Juventus premium member International) with TdT. So, I wonder, how do I buy tickets to settore ospiti? Excuse me for writing in English. Grazie.
  2. I bought the 'international membership'. Still I wonder what 'N civ.' and 'Tax Code' means.. Back in the days I remember how easy (and cheap) it was to buy tickets. It's really a shame.. EDIT: And yes, I have sent them (Juventus) e-mail, asking about this. Yet no answer, just like usually. Typical Juventus, don't give a about us juventini abroad.
  3. Ciao ragazzi, Sorry, but I have to take this one in english. I wonder if I have to attach my health insurance number (for the form)? And the Tax Code, whats that? I'm born & live in Sweden. Please, help. Fino alla fine! Tax Code = Codice Fiscale

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