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Tutti i contenuti di dampyr

  1. Senza le vittime de l'aquila sono state onorate o prese per il *? Allora forse la vignetta pone l'accento sul fatto che in 10 anni abbiamo avuto due disgrazie simili. Puzza di mafia e corruzione c'era a l'aquila (anzi è proprio certo), e la stessa cosa si respira qui. Questo giornale non è affatto sensibile o politicamente corretto, nel bene e nel male...e anche per questo che subirono un attentato, dove mezzo mondo scrisse "Je suis Charlie". E sicuramente anche molti di quelli che oggi si stanno lamentando per le vignette. Tutti a favore della satira fin quando non ci sfottono. Detto questo meno male che c'è Gigi
  2. Ti sei forse dimenticato l'impero romano e il de bello gallico Direi che ogni storia, cultura e paese ha le sue luci e ombre nel passato.
  3. dampyr

    [Topic Unico] Richieste e/o proposte

    anche se non l'ho visto mai visto alla juve (troppo piccolo), ricordo qualche visione in gioventù al barca e real, nonchè ai mondiali. dalla cultura calcistica del passato che mi sono fatto è il mio preferito insieme a crujff. sul wiki inglese ci sono un pò di cose che hanno detto su di lui, che racchiudono la sua grandezza. credo forse il giocatore più sottovalutato di sempre, neanche una volta sul podio del pallone d'oro. Quotes on Laudrup[edit source | editbeta] Romário: "The best player I have ever played with and the 4th best in the history of the game"[16] Raúl: "The best I have ever played with."[15] Zamorano: "Un genio!", "The reason why I make so many goals, is Laudrup."[50] Iniesta: "Who is the best player in history? Laudrup."[51] Messi: "I fully understand why he is considered one of the best players in Barcelona's history and even the world."[52] Cruyff: "One of the most difficult players I have worked with. When he gives 80–90% he is still by far the best, but I want 100%, and he rarely does that."[53] Cruyff (After Real Madrid with Laudrup had won 5–0 over Cruyff's Barcelona): "When Michael plays like a dream, a magic illusion, determined to show his new team his extreme abilities, no one in the world comes anywhere near his level."[54] Cruyff (Cruyff on Laudrup's lack of killer instinct during matches): "Had Michael been born in a poor ghetto in Brazil or Argentina with the ball being his only way out of poverty he would today be recognised as the biggest genius of the game ever. He had all the abilities to reach it but lacked this ghetto-instinct, which could have driven him there."[55] Platini: "One of the biggest talents ever. The best in the world on the training pitch, but never used his talent to its full during matches.[54] Platini: "Michael had everything except for one thing: he wasn't selfish enough."[14] Guardiola: "The best player in the world, I can't believe he hasn't won the title as best player."[citation needed] Beckenbauer: "Pelé was the best in the 60s, Cruyff in the 70s, Maradona in the 80s and Laudrup in the 90s."[54] Roberto Galia: "I have played against Maradona, Platini and Baggio. But the player I saw do the most indescribable things was Michael Laudrup."[56] Clemente: "To me, Michael Laudrup is the most genius player the world has ever seen. He will always be my numero uno. Always."[54] Bakero: "No one has given the club [barcelona] as much inspiration as Michael. We all look up to him. It is a privilege to have your day enriched by a genius."[54] Koeman: "Michael was possibly the most skilful and elegant player I ever played with. Few could dribble like he could. He could sense when a game was ready to be seized and transformed by a moment of individual brilliance."[57] Stoichkov: "One of the best European players I’ve ever seen. An elegant, old-fashioned playmaker, he did things few other footballers could do."[58] Stoichkov: "From more than hundred goals that I scored I'm sure that over 50 were assisted by Michael. To play with him was extremely easy. We found each other by intuition on the field and found common football language. Look at Ivan Zamorano. Laudrup went there (Real) and Zamorano is a goalscorer. Sometimes I envy Ivan for the passes he receives. Passes on foot after you accelerated. Few people understand football like the Danish player. He can only be comprised with Maradona, Schuster or Roberto Baggio. They make things easy and find the right solutions. For them is simple, for the opponent – unthinkable. Phenomenal! His only problem is his character. He is emotional and terribly reserved. This affects him a lot, because he takes everything personally – no matter if someone tells him something or decision that he does not agree. His relations with Cruyff were delicate because he couldn't take the critics. I listen to him but I don't care that much. For Michael this was fatal. He couldn't take it anymore so he left without a word."[59] Brian Laudrup: "My brother started as an attacker but became an elegant attacking midfielder, perhaps the most complete there has ever been. His vision, speed of thought and passing were on a different level; he always knew what was going to happen before anybody else did. If anyone had a 'football brain', it was him."[60] Ferrer: "Few people made me enjoy the game as much as Michael. Maybe he didn’t get the media recognition he deserved, but he was so classy and a real thinker. A master of the blind pass and impossible through-balls and I will never forget his 'spoon' pass in a game against Osasuna. He lifted the ball right over the defence and Romario touched it in first time."[61] Capello (After the 4–0 win of Milan against Barcelona in the 1994 CL final): "Laudrup was the guy I feared but Cruyff left him out, and that was his mistake."[62] Figo: "I think maybe Laudrup was the best player I ever played against."[63] Mourinho: "He was phenomenal in Barcelona. He was a fantastic player whom I would love to have on my team today."[64] Stoichkov: "Laudrup was the greatest"[65] Alan Tate: "He is still the best player in training at 48 years."[66] Ian Rush: "He probably had the most individual skill I've seen. He was an incredible player."[67] John Toshack: "To me he was the best player of his generation and he is a lot like Cruyff both as a player and a manager"[68]
  4. juventinità o meno (che credo derivino dai suoi dissapori con la triade) fa parte della storia della juventus. fancendoci vincere una coppa uefa (che gli diede il pallone d'oro) e segnando 115 gol con la juve in 5 anni. ed è stato anche capitano della juve. io non contesto il tuo pensiero sulla juventinità, ma la volontà di fischiarlo. baggio può fare quello che vuole. non è l'unico che ha declinato l'invito (e di altri molto più juventini)... contestavo solo la volontà di fischiarlo. in verità quel giorno, proprio perchè un giorno di festa, non avrei fischiato nessuno! ma proprio nessuno!
  5. io credo che si dovesse festeggiare la storia della juventus. baggio è stato il più grande calciatore italiano degli ultimi 20 anni; ha vissuto il suo periodo d'oro nella juve (come disse anche lui, quella juve era davvero una bella squadra, peccato ci fosse il milan degli olandesi); ha segnato tanto; ha vinto; è stato capitano della juve; non so se il suo addio alla juventus sia stata l'esplosione di del piero, o l'arrivo di lippi (probabilmente entrambe). per me baggio non va mai fischiato, in generale perchè è una leggenda e una favola del calcio; e in questo caso particolare, perchè fa parte della nostra storia, e credo che in campo abbia sempre onorato la nostra maglia, come tutte quelle che ha portato!
  6. la juventinità è uno stile! e lo stile ci vuole nelle vittorie (più facile) ma soprattutto nelle sconfitte (molto più difficile). negli ultimi anni questo stile sta venendo meno (ogni riferimento ai fischi al sindaco e a marco motta durante la partita sono voluti). ieri neanche moratti e amauri e abete (simboli dell'antijuventinità di questi periodi) sarebbero dovuti esser fischiati. noi siamo la juventus, e ieri si celebrava la juventus, il solo rivolgere pensiero ad altro è sintomo di debolezza. ieri era la nostra festa, ed è stato splendido (nonostante quei piccoli nei elencati sopra)! ora spero che questo stadio e questa serata dia la carica giusta a tutti (anche a motta se e quando giocherà). molto dispiaciuto per gli assenti, soprattutto pavel, che credo si stia allontanando dalla società e perchè mai ???

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