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Su Skippy5

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  1. I love the Christmas Tree (4-3-2-1). The last boss used it a number of years ago (his first charge) for a few games with good affect. I also had it for my junior team back then too. The star on the top of my tree is now an angel in heaven taken far too soon. I love the Christmas Tree! (Yeah, I'm kind of crying now thinking of Josh.)
  2. Now we just need to have the NZ All Whites football team to play the Azzurri (FIGC) at the stadium to make it completely All White & All Black as it always should be. Just to remind you one of the reasons I have followed Juve since 1988 is that they play in my nations two top international teams' colours.
  3. Skippy5

    Edgar e Zizou sull’asfalto

    This is the way society should be. Champions recognizing that we are all the same and that there are joys to be found in games without money. I remember as a kid having sporting heroes come to my school to teach us and they were not paid any more than our teachers, but they always had a great connection with us kids. I understand the modern social media, rapid communication connected era we are in, but I would love to see the superstars wanting and being able to do this type of work again. Edgar Davids is a true legend though!
  4. Skippy5

    Difficulty with Club store support

    So the package arrived this afternoon, and now I need to update my profile!
  5. Skippy5

    Difficulty with Club store support

    I received an e-mail this morning to say "the package is on it's way" and the UPS website confirms this (package sent from 19th Dec). So all is good with the world again! Now I just have to wait 3 weeks for it to be delivered. I'm still not sure if it was being processed when I first e-mailed, or if the many e-mails sent after finally made it happen, but at least it's on it's way. I guess that since I've made such a fuss here I'll have to update my profile with the new shirt when it arrives!
  6. Skippy5

    Difficulty with Club store support

    The [email protected] e-mail is the one I have used most and first of all. And again I expected delays due to the time of the year, but no notification for nearly a month and no replies to e-mails for nearly two weeks is not good enough. As someone who's been a fan of this great club for over 35 years (even though for the early years it was difficult to find news or results in New Zealand), it's frustrating that there's not been any acknowledgement. And most annoying was to read this article on the club website today ( I do repeat that I have bought many items from the club store and have never had an issue with this, I really just would like to know what is happening with my order.
  7. Skippy5

    Difficulty with Club store support

    Thank-you for replies. I'm in New Zealand, and never had a problem ordering from the club store for the the last 10 years. I've not called them, mostly due to the time zone and also I would have thought it would be easier with using the e-mail channels.
  8. Skippy5

    Difficulty with Club store support

    I'm not sure if I'm right to ask this here (and apologies if I am wrong), but I am having difficulty with finding out what is happening with my purchase from the Club store. I purchased a number of items (this year's second shirt, shorts, socks (I am a Juve tragic!), ball and casual tee-shirt) during Black Friday sales, and although I received an e-mail confirming my purchase (and the money against my credit card), I have not had any confirmation of postal or tracking advice. I have e-mailed the Juventus Store and the Juventus Members Support e-mail addresses for over a week (and again apologies for some of my e-mails), but I have not heard anything back from them. Please note that as I have purchased a lot from the club store I was not too worried as I figured that this time of the year can be very busy, but to not have any information for over 2 weeks I needed to find out what was happening. I guess I would just like to know if anyone else is experiencing this (the club store have always been very good in my previous purchases), or if there are any people involved directly with the club (or the club store) that can tell me what is happening with my purchase. And again sorry to the moderators if this is not correct.
  9. Wow! What a social discussion this is. I don't have the answers, but can offer some points of view to this. I am a manager of a community football club men's team, and have been heavily involved in this club located in a low social-economic environment. The team I work with has grown up in the club and area from ~5 year old boys I knew 18 years ago to now. I have a couple of lads in my team that would easily fall into this gambling trap (and some have, but to a lesser extent - one lost NZ$6,000 a couple of years ago) if given the monetary and time freedoms that professional footballers are afforded. I have tried to help my players, but as I say, I don't have the answers. I do think that giving young professional players a "job" outside of football when they start on their career would be a useful step, not only in their development, but in the relationship between the club and it's local area. This could be helping out at community sports clubs or orginisations or with schools, care givers or other groups that are usually struggling for staff and funding. Make it part of their contract and pair them with the entity for a year (maybe with incentives included in the contract).
  10. I do love seeing a good Italian goal keeper in a Juve shirt (and we have had some greats), however from the current 'keepers, there is something I really like when I see Alex Meret. Yes, it is easy to see Donnarumma commands the 8" x 8' goal very well because of his size, but Alex controls all of his 18' box with much better positioning meaning the saves he makes have been set up long before the shot comes and so it looks like he has less work to do. I am pleased we did not go in for Gianluigi back then and unless the deal is favorable for us, I hope we continue to look elsewhere in the future.
  11. Skippy5

    Se n'è andato Gianluca Vialli, aveva 58 anni

    A great sorrow to hear this. Rest in peace champion ❤️
  12. Happy Birthday dear Old Lady. I've only had 34 years of this passion, but I absolutely love how this club began and has conducted their business through these magnificent 125 years. I especially love seeing the young players getting their chance in the first team (and doing very well at the moment), after all we are Juventus ❤️
  13. I have to admit I do love watching Marco. Wonderful football player and such a beautiful man ❤️
  14. 1988, a group of school friends in Christchurch, New Zealand, each with a (then) English First Division team. Myself and one other had Liverpool, so one of us had to give up and choose another. I lost the coin toss and said I couldn't choose another English team, so my friend (a Chilean lad) said to me "well you like Italy, and you like cars, and you support the All Whites (New Zealand football team) and the All Blacks (New Zealand rugby team), so why not support an Italian club owned by car makers that play in all white and black". After that Pedro used to translate articles from South American football magazines so I could follow my new favorite team. Thankfully for the internet and global television it is so much easier to follow my team from the other side of the world. One day I hope to get to the stadium to share my love of this club with all of you that go every week.
  15. Skippy5

    Juventus - Sassuolo 3-0, commenti post partita

    I only saw the first 30min as I had to go to work. Happy we were up 1-0 thanks Di Maria, but worried we might slip as there was a bad 15mins I saw. From what was posted here and on Juve website it looks like the fragility of the last couple of years may have passed.

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