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Calciopoli, Ibrahimovic: "Continuerò a sentire miei i 2 Scudetti che ci hanno tolto. Come hanno fatto altri ad accettarlo? Indegno. La giustizia sportiva in Italia è imbarazzante!"

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3 ore fa, JuveXXXLsempre ha scritto:

Lo hanno strapagato e c'è andato,ma il suo pensiero al riguardo  è sempre stato quello e lo ha sempre manifestato.Fra  Ibra che dice :"Eravamo (la Juve) i più forti" e DP   "io  gli scudetti li ho vinti sul campo" c'è la differenza immensa. Infatti IBRA era il titolare e DP faceva la riserva.

O forse ti fai abbindolare dalle chiacchiere. Io preferisco i fatti. 

Sono d'accordo che tra chi con i fatti è rimasto in B, e chi si è dileguato andando proprio dai nostri carnefici, ci sia una differenza IMMENSA. 

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11 ore fa, Dustjustice ha scritto:

Non me l'aspettavo e gli faccio i complimenti. Tuttavia, quando hai deciso di mollarci da chi sei andato, Zlatan?

Da chi gli offriva tanti soldi; quello era il suo interesse in quel momento storico.

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10 ore fa, ciumbia ha scritto:

se non ricordo male ibra viene ingaggiato dall'inter prima che rossi consegni il nostro scudetto ai prescritti

ma anche se fosse prima, lui è uno straniero professionista, non è Juventino di fede o legato da lunga permanenza alla juve come del piero e buffon ,quindi da semplice professionista è andato dove ha avuto la miglior offerta

ma ha sempre dichiarato e ribadito che quei scudetti erano suoi,anche quando giocava con quelli la.

Nessuno pensa che doveva rimanere. Se la pensava così poteva evitare di andare all'Inter però, questo si. Ora non ricordo effettivamente se lo scudetto venne assegnato prima o dopo, in ogni caso mi sembrano dichiarazioni ipocrite di chi vuole fare un po' lo spaccone in pieno stile del personaggio. Che a me piace pure, per carità. Sono i commenti del tipo "meglio lui che del piero su calciopoli" che proprio trovo patetici. Uno è rimasto un B, l'altro è scappato ma fa le dichiarazioni per leccare il * ai tifosi... e c'è chi si beve tutto. Sono gli stessi che credono a "sono tifoso della Juve da quando ho 5 anni" 

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Vi sfugge il piccolo particolare che la verità è iniziata ad emergere chiaramente anni dopo.. e comunque Ibra era giovanissimo lo si può perdonare per il passaggio alle m3rde. Poi con il pupp4 fatto ai racatzi della nort è entrato nell'Olimpo 

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People often ask me, ‘So, at Juve, didn’t you ever notice that the referees had suddenly become much friendlier?’

I reply, ‘No. On the pitch all I ever noticed is that we were playing better. And that’s why we won.’

I was still young and, as far as I was concerned, the referee was my enemy. Eleven of us, twelve of them. I could never manage to think of referees as being on my side.

I gave a speech at a music festival and was given some notes to use. I was so focused that I didn’t even notice the mistake. They had me say that I’d won the Scudetto eleven times when, in fact, the correct number was thirteen. UEFA and Federcalcio, the Italian Football Federation, don’t count the two Scudetti stripped from Juve in the aftermath of the Calciopoli match-fixing scandal.fn1 But I’ll always consider them to have been personal victories, 100 per cent. If I hadn’t missed it, I’d have said thirteen, not eleven.

When I walk into the Turin stadium and see the number thirty-eight next to the tricolour Scudetto, I don’t think of it as a mistake – I think it’s exactly the right number, and that its presence there represents true justice: we won both those Scudetto titles because we were the best team in Italy, but then they took them away from us.

I don’t know whether the system was manipulated in any way, and I don’t care to ask. That’s a choice I’ve made; I decided from the very outset to ignore the investigation and the controversy. All I know for sure is that no one ever manipulated the way I ran on the pitch – none of my goals, the hard work I put in in training, my injuries, my accidents and my pain. No one manipulated the sweat and talent of my teammates. After seventy or eighty matches, only the strongest team wins: it’s the justice of the pitch that matters in sport. That’s why I’ll go on thinking of the two Scudetti they stripped us of as being rightfully mine. How was it even conceivable to give one of the two Scudetti to someone else? And how could that someone else bring themselves to accept it?

If you disqualify the team that won it and then you give me their medal, I don’t want it. In fact I consider it an insult if you try to give it to me at all. If I walk around with that medal hanging from my neck and I say, ‘I won!’ it merely strikes me as pathetic.

I’ve always had a very good relationship with Luciano Moggi, the executive at the centre of the scandal, and that’s partly because he behaved differently with foreigners: he laughed, he joked around, he made wisecracks … Whereas the Italians were all afraid of him.

Whenever Moggi entered the dressing room, it was like when Berlusconi arrived in Milanello: you could feel the vibrations in the air, the sheer weight of his charisma; everyone fell silent, fearful and intimidated.

But I was young, and I never felt overwhelmed, I just called him ‘boss’. He had a good relationship with Mino, and that helped us to bond. Moggi did a lot for me, even if he did stick me with a few too many fines. Like that time with Jonathan Zebina.

I should tell you that, in Italy, players can have their salary docked on the basis of unwritten rules, such as showing up late or behaving disrespectfully. This was an in-house training match. Zebina tackled me hard from behind, once, twice, three times.

I don’t like being tackled from behind like that, because I can’t see it coming. I’m not expecting it, especially in training, and there’s a serious risk of injury. But if I know that a defender in a practice game means to tackle me roughly, like in a real match, then I get ready when the ball comes my way. So I turn round and tell Zebina, ‘If you want to play rough, say so and I’ll know you’re coming.’

He gives me a head-butt, so I let fly with a right and deck him.

Lilian Thuram reaches us and shoves me away. ‘What an idiot you are, Ibra! What an idiot!’

Cannavaro rushes up, pushes Thuram aside and tells me, ‘You’ve done it this time, Zlatan!’ But even as he’s saying it, he gives me a wink.

Capello, the coach, is on the far side of the field, leaning against a pole. He shouts, ‘Lilian! Lilian!’

Whenever Capello shouted, absolute silence would fall.

‘Lilian! Get out of there. Leave him alone.’ Thuram moves away and the storm subsides.

After training, I go and talk to Capello: ‘I’m sorry, Coach.’

‘About what?’ he asks.

‘That incident with Zebina.’

‘No need to apologize. That kind of thing does the team good,’ he replied.

I go and get a massage, a shower and all the rest. After three hours Zebina still has an ice-bag on his eye. The manager, Alessio Secco, alerts me: ‘You’re being asked for.’ If Moggi wanted to see you, that’s how you found out – you were told, ‘You’re being asked for.’ No one even said his name. Everybody understood.

If, for instance, some player was refusing to give an interview and Secco told him, ‘You’re being asked for’, then that player knew he’d be giving the interview in question, because that’s the way Moggi wanted it.

I go to Moggi’s office, and he tells me, ‘Zlatan, I have to fine you.’


‘The fight with Zebina.’

‘No, I’m not paying.’

‘Oh, you’ll pay all right.’

‘Listen, boss. If someone attacks you on the street, what do you do?’ I ask him.

‘I defend myself,’ he replies.

‘I defended myself when Zebina attacked me,’ I explain.

‘Okay, but you were wrong. Just pay the fine and we’re done.’

I read the amount of the fine. ‘This is way too much. I mean, I didn’t kill the guy!’

‘Don’t worry, he’ll be paying a fine, too,’ Moggi reassures me.

‘How big a fine?’

‘Ten times the amount of your fine,’ Moggi replies.

‘All right then – in that case, I’m good with it. Maybe you could simply roll my fine into his and make him pay it all.’

One day we arrive at the stadium. I’m expecting to play, but they inform me that I should go to the stand. Not even on the bench: in the stand.

‘What’s going on?’ Nobody can give me an explanation.

I call Mino. ‘Mino, I was supposed to be playing today, and instead I’ve been sent to the stand without an explanation. Try and see what you can find out.’

Alessio Secco shows up. ‘Zlatan, tomorrow you’re being asked to see Moggi.’

The next day Moggi explains. ‘The reason you didn’t play yesterday is that you used some kind of cream and failed to inform us.’

‘Wait, what does that have to do with football? I’m having problems with psoriasis on my arms,’ I explain. ‘It’s a cream they gave me when I was at Ajax.’

‘It’s got cortisone in it. You’re obliged to tell us everything you take. We need to know everything – literally everything. This is going to cost you another fat fine,’ the boss decrees.

I read the sum and, once again, I’m stunned. ‘For some stupid skin cream?’

‘Do it again and the fine will double.’

Maybe I should have kept the psoriasis.

At Juve, they were especially sensitive about pharmaceuticals of any kind, because Dr Riccardo Agricola’s doping trial was under way. If they had happened to find any trace of a forbidden substance in my anti-doping tests, it would have meant a devastating blowback in terms of the club’s image.

That’s just the way Moggi was: extremely harsh. When he had something important to say to the team, he summoned us all to the gym. Not the dressing room or the pitch: the gym. We’d gather round in a circle and he’d stand in the middle. Only he was allowed to talk.

I remember a day when he attacked one of my teammates in front of everyone. Moggi accused him of being unproductive and threatened to dock half his salary. The young man tried to have his say, but his boss shut him up fast: ‘Not a word or it’ll cost you two months’ pay.’

Moggi was relentless, but I like people like that – people who are clear and concise: it’s black or white. No muddling around with shades of grey.

After the refereeing scandal of 2006, Juve was relegated to Serie B. I chose to leave the club and join Inter, Moggi’s worst enemy. When I informed him of the fact, he didn’t utter a word of criticism. In fact he said nothing at all, partly because at the time he had far more serious problems on his hands.

I started my preparation in the mountains. I was sharing a room with Pavel Nedvěd, but I was waiting to leave. If I’d been the age I am now, I would have stayed to help the team climb back up into Serie A, the way I did with Milan, which I did so much to elevate. But I was at the start of my career, and I wanted to play in the Champions League, not in Serie B. In short, I was young and hungry for achievement.

Before I signed for Inter, AC Milan had made me an offer too, and the contract they’d proposed was a good one, but there was a condition: I’d have to wait for the qualifying round of the Champions League against Red Star Belgrade. ‘If we qualify, the club will have more money.’

AC were confident I’d come play for them, no matter what happened, because it was one of the most fashionable clubs. It had only been three years since they’d won the Champions League, while Inter hadn’t won the Scudetto in seventeen years.

But Inter made me a better offer. So Mino went back to AC Milan and said, ‘If Ibra is going to be your number-one footballer, then he needs to have the team’s highest salary.’

Ariedo Braida and Galliani replied, ‘Not even if the Virgin Mary appears to us in a vision will we so much as touch the contract we just offered you.’

I took the answer invoking the Virgin Mary as an insult. It meant that AC Milan didn’t want me badly enough, and I’m not going anywhere that I sense a shortage of enthusiasm.

I told Mino, ‘Make the deal with Inter. I’ll bring them the Scudetto again, after a seventeen-year drought. That’s the challenge.’

The evening that I signed for Inter, Berlusconi was out to dinner at Da Giannino, a Milan restaurant. He was playing the guitar with a tableful of friends. They were all laughing and having a good time. I’ve been told that the minute someone told him I’d signed for Inter, he put down his guitar and sat in silence for an hour.

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12 ore fa, black&whitetiger ha scritto:

Ad Elkann non piacciono assolutamente queste affermazioni e coglie l'occasione per esprimere nuovamente profondo rispetto per le istituzioni sportive.   .asd

" difenderemo il club nelle sedi opportunehhh! ”


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2 ore fa, pablito77! ha scritto:

Ok, ma allora Ibra potrebbe essere visto come uno che parla parla ma nel momento del bisogno fuggì. (Non è il mio pensiero). 

Mah premesso che l'egocentrismo di zatlan mi fa rimestare le budella più che scappare direi ceduto per esigenze di bilancio, sono convinto che se gli avessimo comunque garantito lo stesso stipendio e magari un allungamento di contratto sarebbe rimasto parere personale. 

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7 minuti fa, Nicola73 ha scritto:

Mah premesso che l'egocentrismo di zatlan mi fa rimestare le budella più che scappare direi ceduto per esigenze di bilancio, sono convinto che se gli avessimo comunque garantito lo stesso stipendio e magari un allungamento di contratto sarebbe rimasto parere personale. 

Può essere, fatto sta che ha levato le tende come altri. Zambrotta il peggiore. 

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4 hours ago, DarioSen said:

In B non ci voleva scendere e l'Inter era quella che offriva di più a noi e a lui. Sono altri quelli da schifare perché piccoli uomini senza valore... Zambrotta, Thuram su tutti ...

Sei poco informato. La Juventus non voleva cederlo, di sicuro non a quelle condizioni e al limite avrebbe preferito prestarlo per un anno per poi riprenderselo una volta risalita in A.

Per farsi cedere Ibrahimovic fece il diavolo a quattro: qualcuno ben informato racconta che entro nell'ufficio d Agnelli e ribalto una scrivania per farsi cacciare.

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4 ore fa, pablito77! ha scritto:


Del Piero e Buffon però sono rimasti in Serie B. Zlatan che comunque rispetto, si impuntò e andò proprio a giocare da quelli che si cucirono lo scudetto usurpato sul petto. 

ok, ma dire qualcosa a riguardo?

o fare il democristiano e le ospitate Sky son più importanti?

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4 minuti fa, Bob Kelso ha scritto:

ok, ma dire qualcosa a riguardo?

o fare il democristiano e le ospitate Sky son più importanti?

Bro, è anche questione di carattere, sia Buffon che Del Piero, pacatamente, hanno sempre detto di aver vinto due scudetti in più rispetto a quelli che gli riconoscono ufficialmente. Poi lo sappiamo che Ibra è “colorito”.ò-a-sentire-miei-i-2-scudetti-che-ci-hanno-tolto-come-hanno-fatto-altri-ad-accettarlo-indegno-la-giustizia-sportiva-in-italia-è-imbarazzante/?do=findComment&comment=34851253

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3 minuti fa, pablito77! ha scritto:

Bro, è anche questione di carattere, sia Buffon che Del Piero, pacatamente, hanno sempre detto di aver vinto due scudetti in più rispetto a quelli che gli riconoscono ufficialmente. Poi lo sappiamo che Ibra è “colorito”.ò-a-sentire-miei-i-2-scudetti-che-ci-hanno-tolto-come-hanno-fatto-altri-ad-accettarlo-indegno-la-giustizia-sportiva-in-italia-è-imbarazzante/?do=findComment&comment=34851253

pacatamente, una paura incredibile sefz

mai una parola sulla giustizia sportiva, mai una parola su quell'essere di Guido Rossi, anzi lo presero pure con loro ai Mondiali


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PUO essere simpatico o meno, a livello  fuori dal campo,   ma lui e ' sempre stato coerente e  deciso  sugli  scudetti vinti alla juve.NON li ha mai rinnegati.  Per  questo gli faccio i complimenti.  NON ci trovo niente di ipocrita in queste sue dichiaraziioni  sui 2 scudetti vinti da  noi.

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11 minuti fa, Bob Kelso ha scritto:

pacatamente, una paura incredibile sefz

mai una parola sulla giustizia sportiva, mai una parola su quell'essere di Guido Rossi, anzi lo presero pure con loro ai Mondiali


Vabbè Bro, sono scesi in B e tanto mi basta per volergli bene per sempre. Poi oh… nessuno è perfetto. 

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6 minuti fa, pablito77! ha scritto:

Vabbè Bro, sono scesi in B e tanto mi basta per volergli bene per sempre. Poi oh… nessuno è perfetto. 

Ognuno è libero di amare chi vuole ma alla presidenza della  Juve serve gente decisa come Moggi e Boniperti .I democristiani spero di non vederli mai alla presidenza della Juve. Se uno è democristiano in un salotto televisivo in Lega con Delamentis e Lotito potrebbe fare le fotocopie se si usano ancora....

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19 minuti fa, pablito77! ha scritto:

Vabbè Bro, sono scesi in B e tanto mi basta per volergli bene per sempre. Poi oh… nessuno è perfetto. 

io non perdono a Del Piero gli elogi alle mmerde e il suo non schierarsi mai a nostro favore

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3 minuti fa, Bob Kelso ha scritto:

io non perdono a Del Piero gli elogi alle mmerde e il suo non schierarsi mai a nostro favore

Comprendo e condivido in parte

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4 ore fa, RogerWaters ha scritto:

Si questo è sempre stato coerente.

Oddio, poi è andato proprio dagli indegni eh?

Però ha sempre rivendicato i due scudetti 

La terza stella porta anche la sua firma però .ghgh



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Grande Ibra ma il "nuovo libro Adrenalina" è uscito già da due anni, non capisco perchè da ieri stanno facendo rimbalzare questi passaggi come se fossero freschi di stampa :d 

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Comunque il fatto che abbia aspettato il ritiro definitivo per sparare queso himars la dice lunga su quanto siano potenti questi cani

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