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Disdette a Sky/DAZN: Ecco perchè la Serie A rischia. Comunicati congiunti di vari Juventus club d'Italia. Iniziativa ripresa anche in Spagna e Inghilterra. LEGGERE 1°post

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(scusate il maiuscolo)


To all our supporting clubs and to all the Bianconeri supporters around the world.


As you likely know, following continued and repeated media attacks and an unjust trial organized by the Italian Football Association, FC Juventus has been docked 15 points. The trial followed an investigation into the club's market transfers, after FC Juventus had already left the court clear of any accusations in a previous trial. All other teams involved in the process and investigations about the very same infringement have been cleared of any accusations. This unexplainable outcome makes you wonder how it is possible that FC Juventus has been able to declare false values for players transferred to and from other clubs, if the other clubs involved in those transfers have not been found guilty.

This is only the most recent (and probably not the last, in the twisted mind of our persecutors) trial based on non-existing, false, or manipulated pieces of evidence.

We no longer accept to be the target in this witch-hunt that is periodically set up with the only goal to hamper our strength on the pitch.


Furthermore, Italy's Minster of Sports, Andrea Abodi, said yesterday in an interview that rules are needed in Italy to help avoid distortions about how to determine the value of players moving from one team to another, meaning that FC Juventus has been found guilty notwithstanding the absence of rules on the matter.

We Juventus supporters from Italy have decided to take a strong stance against this act of injustice against our team: with immediate effect, we have cut any link with the press, broadcasting media, and websites. In particular, we have decided to boycott broadcasters such as Dazn, Sky, and to cancel our subscriptions.

In this way, we express our will not to watch any Serie A match, a league whose outcome has been decided in a court rather than on the pitch.

We also want to give the League Of Serie A (Lega Serie A) and the Italian Football Federation (F.I.G.C.) the clear message that we will not accept that FC Juventus is the only club found guilty of something not sanctioned by any law, that at least other 10 Serie A clubs have done for years.

We will only buy official Juventus' merchandise, follow the club's official TV channel JTV, and support our players at the Allianz Stadium in Turin.

Our decision has been shared and publicized by joint official statements of the Juventus Official Fan Club from most Italian regions, with the remaining ones following shortly.


Juventus fans are currently canceling their Pay TV subscriptions and boycotting sports tv shows, newspapers, and web sites that have attacked Juventus, creating a widespread sentiment of hatred that has poisoned the Italian football scene.

Our civil, legitimate, pacific action has been topping trending topics on social media for the last 4 days, and has become popular across the nation.

Sports broadcasters and other mainstream media are refraining from mentioning our protest, but they have already taken action offering heavily-discounted subscriptions to win back fleeing subscribers. This is an unmistakable sign that our protest is paying dividends, with cancelled subscriptions already in six-digit figure.


We would appreciate your support in avoiding subscribing to those broadcasting companies that air Juventus' matches, and refrain from visiting websites (including ones run by sports newspapers).

We would also appreciate your support in contacting local sports newspapers and websites, and inform them of the true nature of our protest.


We are fighting together for a better football, with rules equal for all participating clubs.

We will not accept that FC Juventus is accused and found guilty of something most other Serie A clubs have done for years, without suffering any consequences.

FC Juventus is the football club with the most fans in Italy, with an incredible 8.1 million tifosi on a total of 24.5 million supporters (30% of all supporters in Italy are Juventus fans: see https://www.calcioefinanza.it/2022/08/08/classifica-tifosi-serie-a/). The club has invested in the Italian football economy over a 850,000,000 euros in the last 12 years, being by far the largest contributor (see: https://www.tuttosport.com/news/calcio/serie-a/juventus/2023/01/24-102663229/c_il_sistema_juve_s_quello_che_investe_nel_calcio_italiano_il_miliardo_che_non_fa_notizia).


We stand united. We are determined.

We will continue our fight.


Fino Alla Fine

Sempre Forza Juventus

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Ho dato un'occhiata all'inglese ed inserito termini più corretti tipo unfair e non unjust trial


To all our supporter clubs and Bianconeri fans around the world.


As you are probably aware, Juventus have been docked 15 points following sustained and repeated media attacks and an unfair trial organised by the Italian Football Federation. The trial followed an investigation into the club's transfer market, after Juventus had already been cleared of all charges in a previous trial. All the other teams involved in the trial and investigation of the same offence were acquitted. This inexplicable outcome raises the question of how it is possible for Juventus to have declared false values for players transferred to and from other clubs when the other clubs involved in those transfers have not been found guilty.

This is just the latest (and probably not the last, in the twisted minds of our persecutors) trial based on non-existent, false or manipulated evidence.

We no longer accept that we are the target of this witch-hunt, which is regularly set up with the sole aim of hampering our strength on the pitch.


Furthermore, the Italian Minister for Sport, Andrea Abodi, said in an interview yesterday that rules are needed in Italy to avoid distortions in the way the value of players moving from one team to another is determined, meaning that Juventus have been found guilty despite the absence of rules on the matter.

We, the Juventus supporters of Italy, have decided to take a strong stance against this injustice against our team: with immediate effect, we have severed all links with the press, broadcast media and websites. In particular, we have decided to boycott broadcasters such as Dazn and Sky and to cancel our subscriptions.

In this way we are expressing our intention not to watch any Serie A matches, a league whose results are decided in the courts rather than on the pitch.

We also want to send a clear message to the Lega Serie A and the Italian Football Federation (F.I.G.C.) that we will not accept that Juventus is the only club to be found guilty of something that is not sanctioned by any law, something that at least 10 other Serie A clubs have been doing for years.

We will only buy official Juventus merchandise, watch the club's official TV channel JTV and support our players at the Allianz Stadium in Turin.

Our decision has been shared and publicised by joint official statements from the official Juventus fan clubs in most Italian regions, with the rest to follow shortly.


Juventus fans are currently cancelling their pay-TV subscriptions and boycotting sports TV channels, newspapers and websites that have attacked Juventus, creating a widespread feeling of hatred that has poisoned the Italian football scene.

Our civil, legitimate and peaceful action has been the top trending topic on social media for the last 4 days and has become popular across the country.

Sports channels and other mainstream media are refraining from mentioning our protest, but they have already taken action by offering heavily discounted subscriptions to win back fleeing subscribers. This is an unmistakable sign that our protest is working, with cancelled subscriptions already in the six-figure range.


We would appreciate your support in not subscribing to the channels that broadcast Juventus matches and in not visiting websites (including those of sports newspapers).

We would also appreciate your support in contacting local sports newspapers and websites and informing them of the true nature of our protest.


We are fighting together for a better football with equal rules for all participating clubs.

We will not accept Juventus being accused and found guilty of something that most other Serie A clubs have been doing for years without suffering any consequences.


We are united. We are determined.

We will continue our fight.


Fino Alla Fine

Forever Juventus

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10 minuti fa, Ramito85 ha scritto:

Ragazzi un’idea potrebbe essere creare un sito dove raccogliere tutte le plusvalenze farlocche delle altre squadre, magari possiamo farci dei video da mettere sul canale YouTube creato questa mattina

anche le intercettazioni di Farsopoli... Meani, Galliani e arbitri sono degne di Messina Denaro: pazzesco, ci siamo presi le colpe del modus operandi del Milan. 
Galliani fa un favore a Paparesta attraverso l'intervento di Gianni Letta: forse la chiave dello spogliatoio di Reggio Calabria?

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L'iniziativa più bella forse è abbonarsi a Juventus Tv e vedere le partite anche in differita lì.


Dovremmo sponsorizzare tutti questo modo perchè con una cifra irrisoria per ognuno finiziamo la Juventus, vediamo le partite anche se in differita e danneggiamo la lega serie A

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1 minuto fa, Ste71 ha scritto:

Scusa, ma non si capisce cosa vuole dire il primo inciso: "following continued and repeated media attacks and an unjust trial organized by the Italian Football Association": io se dovessi tradurre dall'inglese non riuscirei a capire cosa stai cercando di dirmi - non capisco qual è il soggetto e qual è il verbo di questa frase.




La frase completa è "As you likely know, following continued and repeated media attacks and an unjust trial organized by the Italian Football Association, FC Juventus has been docked 15 points"

"Following..." significa "in segfuito", il soggetto è Juventus, il verbo è "has been docked", è stata penalizzata. Il following iniziale disorienta noi italiani, è una forma idiomatica inglese


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Però la base del successo di un iniziativa simile è realizzare una guida chiara per capire come vedere Juventustv su smart tv.


In modo tale che sia accrssibile per tutti sia per il tifoso giovane che quello più anziano.

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1 minuto fa, M83forever ha scritto:

Però la base del successo di un iniziativa simile è realizzare una guida chiara per capire come vedere Juventustv su smart tv.


In modo tale che sia accrssibile per tutti sia per il tifoso giovane che quello più anziano.


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3 minuti fa, M83forever ha scritto:

L'iniziativa più bella forse è abbonarsi a Juventus Tv e vedere le partite anche in differita lì.


Dovremmo sponsorizzare tutti questo modo perchè con una cifra irrosoria per ognuno finiziamo la Juventus, vediamo le partite anche se in differita e danneggiamo la lega serie A

Verissimo! Io mi sono abbonato stasera

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3 minuti fa, vjetar s dinare ha scritto:

Ho dato un'occhiata all'inglese ed inserito termini più corretti tipo unfair e non unjust trial


To all our supporter clubs and Bianconeri fans around the world.


As you are probably aware, Juventus have been docked 15 points following sustained and repeated media attacks and an unfair trial organised by the Italian Football Federation. The trial followed an investigation into the club's transfer market, after Juventus had already been cleared of all charges in a previous trial. All the other teams involved in the trial and investigation of the same offence were acquitted. This inexplicable outcome raises the question of how it is possible for Juventus to have declared false values for players transferred to and from other clubs when the other clubs involved in those transfers have not been found guilty.

This is just the latest (and probably not the last, in the twisted minds of our persecutors) trial based on non-existent, false or manipulated evidence.

We no longer accept that we are the target of this witch-hunt, which is regularly set up with the sole aim of hampering our strength on the pitch.


Furthermore, the Italian Minister for Sport, Andrea Abodi, said in an interview yesterday that rules are needed in Italy to avoid distortions in the way the value of players moving from one team to another is determined, meaning that Juventus have been found guilty despite the absence of rules on the matter.

We, the Juventus supporters of Italy, have decided to take a strong stance against this injustice against our team: with immediate effect, we have severed all links with the press, broadcast media and websites. In particular, we have decided to boycott broadcasters such as Dazn and Sky and to cancel our subscriptions.

In this way we are expressing our intention not to watch any Serie A matches, a league whose results are decided in the courts rather than on the pitch.

We also want to send a clear message to the Lega Serie A and the Italian Football Federation (F.I.G.C.) that we will not accept that Juventus is the only club to be found guilty of something that is not sanctioned by any law, something that at least 10 other Serie A clubs have been doing for years.

We will only buy official Juventus merchandise, watch the club's official TV channel JTV and support our players at the Allianz Stadium in Turin.

Our decision has been shared and publicised by joint official statements from the official Juventus fan clubs in most Italian regions, with the rest to follow shortly.


Juventus fans are currently cancelling their pay-TV subscriptions and boycotting sports TV channels, newspapers and websites that have attacked Juventus, creating a widespread feeling of hatred that has poisoned the Italian football scene.

Our civil, legitimate and peaceful action has been the top trending topic on social media for the last 4 days and has become popular across the country.

Sports channels and other mainstream media are refraining from mentioning our protest, but they have already taken action by offering heavily discounted subscriptions to win back fleeing subscribers. This is an unmistakable sign that our protest is working, with cancelled subscriptions already in the six-figure range.


We would appreciate your support in not subscribing to the channels that broadcast Juventus matches and in not visiting websites (including those of sports newspapers).

We would also appreciate your support in contacting local sports newspapers and websites and informing them of the true nature of our protest.


We are fighting together for a better football with equal rules for all participating clubs.

We will not accept Juventus being accused and found guilty of something that most other Serie A clubs have been doing for years without suffering any consequences.


We are united. We are determined.

We will continue our fight.


Fino Alla Fine

Forever Juventus


Preparo la quinta bozza cole le correzioni.

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Bisogna realizzare una guida chiara su come vedere il canale della Juve sulla tv e trovare qualche utente abbastanza seguito sui social per diffondere il messaggio e la guida.


Io penso alle persone meno smart, difficilmente si rinuncia alla tv per vedere le gare.

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5 minutes ago, Ste71 said:

Scusa, ma non si capisce cosa vuole dire il primo inciso: "following continued and repeated media attacks and an unjust trial organized by the Italian Football Association": io se dovessi tradurre dall'inglese non riuscirei a capire cosa stai cercando di dirmi - non capisco qual è il soggetto e qual è il verbo di questa frase.




Si capisce perfettamente.

Gli anglofoni scrivono male e ciancicano peggio.

Si vede che lo stile e' Italiano (tradotto: barocco) ma e' comprensibile.

non mi concentrerei troppo sulla forma (che ripeto e' assolutamente accettabile) ma sul contenuto.

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To all our supporter clubs and Bianconeri fans around the world.


As you are probably aware, Juventus have been docked 15 points following sustained and repeated media attacks and an unfair trial organised by the Italian Football Federation. The trial followed an investigation into the club's transfer market, after Juventus had already been cleared of all charges in a previous trial. All the other teams involved in the trial and investigation of the same offence were acquitted. This inexplicable outcome raises the question of how it is possible for Juventus to have declared false values for players transferred to and from other clubs when the other clubs involved in those transfers have not been found guilty.

This is just the latest (and probably not the last, in the twisted minds of our persecutors) trial based on non-existent, false or manipulated evidence.

We no longer accept that we are the target of this witch-hunt, which is regularly set up with the sole aim of hampering our strength on the pitch.


Furthermore, the Italian Minister for Sport, Andrea Abodi, said in an interview yesterday that rules are needed in Italy to avoid distortions in the way the value of players moving from one team to another is determined, meaning that Juventus have been found guilty despite the absence of rules on the matter.

We, the Juventus supporters of Italy, have decided to take a strong stance against this injustice against our team: with immediate effect, we have severed all links with the press, broadcast media and websites. In particular, we have decided to boycott broadcasters such as Dazn and Sky and to cancel our subscriptions.

In this way we are expressing our intention not to watch any Serie A matches, a league whose results are decided in the courts rather than on the pitch.

We also want to send a clear message to the Lega Serie A and the Italian Football Federation (F.I.G.C.) that we will not accept that Juventus is the only club to be found guilty of something that is not sanctioned by any law, something that at least 10 other Serie A clubs have been doing for years.

We will only buy official Juventus merchandise, watch the club's official TV channel JTV and support our players at the Allianz Stadium in Turin.

Our decision has been shared and publicised by joint official statements from the official Juventus fan clubs in most Italian regions, with the rest to follow shortly.


Juventus fans are currently cancelling their pay-TV subscriptions and boycotting sports TV channels, newspapers and websites that have attacked Juventus, creating a widespread feeling of hatred that has poisoned the Italian football scene.

Our civil, legitimate and peaceful action has been the top trending topic on social media for the last 4 days and has become popular across the country.

Sports channels and other mainstream media are refraining from mentioning our protest, but they have already taken action by offering heavily discounted subscriptions to win back fleeing subscribers. This is an unmistakable sign that our protest is working, with cancelled subscriptions already in the six-figure range.


We would appreciate your support in not subscribing to the channels that broadcast Juventus matches and in not visiting websites (including those of sports newspapers).

We would also appreciate your support in contacting local sports newspapers and websites and informing them of the true nature of our protest.


We are fighting together for a better football with equal rules for all participating clubs.

We will not accept Juventus being accused and found guilty of something that most other Serie A clubs have been doing for years without suffering any FC Juventus is the football club with the most fans in Italy, with an incredible 8.1 million tifosi on a total of 24.5 million supporters (30% of all supporters in Italy are Juventus fans: see https://www.calcioefinanza.it/2022/08/08/classifica-tifosi-serie-a/). The club has invested in the Italian football economy over a 850,000,000 euros in the last 12 years, being by far the largest contributor (see: https://www.tuttosport.com/news/calcio/serie-a/juventus/2023/01/24-102663229/c_il_sistema_juve_s_quello_che_investe_nel_calcio_italiano_il_miliardo_che_non_fa_notizia).consequences.


We are united. We are determined.

We will continue our fight.


Fino Alla Fine

Forever Juventus

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Cari fratelli bianconeri, compagni di vittorie, di gioie, di giorni belli e meno belli, ma sempre con il cuore che batte per la nostra Signora!!!

Seguo il forum da una vita e ho deciso di iscrivermi per sostenere insieme a tutti voi la lotta contro questa infamita' vergognosa che ci sta colpendo!!!

Siete meravigliosi e sono fiero più che mai di essere parte di questa famiglia così grande.

Ovviamente ho disdetto tutto anche io e nel mio piccolo sto spargendo la voce verso chi ancora non si è mosso. 

Dobbiamo vincere questa guerra!!!

Insieme possiamo fare tanto.


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Ma jtv è su prime o sul sito juve? Ma l'abbonamento a 19,90 l'anno dove è possibile sottoscriverlo? Grazie mille a chi volesse rispondere..

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1 ora fa, Tarmako78 ha scritto:


lo dico anche ai tifosi delle altre squadre,anzi ci sarebbe proprio da farla girare cosi le,* aggiungono 

le perdite delle DISDETTE alle perdite dello sconto extxtra specciale

Blatte infette,paura eh…

giro subito la news ai tifosi avversari che non si faranno scappare l’occasione..


meglio di no...

a dazn potrebbero pensare che siamo gli juventini stessi a riabbonarci 

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8 minuti fa, M83forever ha scritto:

Però la base del successo di un iniziativa simile è realizzare una guida chiara per capire come vedere Juventustv su smart tv.


In modo tale che sia accrssibile per tutti sia per il tifoso giovane che quello più anziano.

Su SmartTV non c'è un'app purtroppo.

Andrebbe provato ad accedere al sito tramite browser...sul mio LG del 2018 ho provato ma non mi partono i video, non so con gli ultimi modelli..


Invece, su Fire Stick ad esempio, basta usare anche il browser nativo (Silk).

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1 minuto fa, bric77 ha scritto:

Ma jtv è su prime o sul sito juve? Ma l'abbonamento a 19,90 l'anno dove è possibile sottoscriverlo? Grazie mille a chi volesse rispondere..

Lo puoi sottoscrivere su Juventus.com


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3 minuti fa, LucaJuveNelCuore ha scritto:

Cari fratelli bianconeri, compagni di vittorie, di gioie, di giorni belli e meno belli, ma sempre con il cuore che batte per la nostra Signora!!!

Seguo il forum da una vita e ho deciso di iscrivermi per sostenere insieme a tutti voi la lotta contro questa infamita' vergognosa che ci sta colpendo!!!

Siete meravigliosi e sono fiero più che mai di essere parte di questa famiglia così grande.

Ovviamente ho disdetto tutto anche io e nel mio piccolo sto spargendo la voce verso chi ancora non si è mosso. 

Dobbiamo vincere questa guerra!!!

Insieme possiamo fare tanto.


Ciao! Benvenuto

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